Thursday, 12 August 2010

We have moved!!!!!

Thank you for visiting our weblog site

We have recently moved and if you click on the link below, you will be automatically taken to our new location -

Sunday, 18 July 2010

New Developments

Sorry we haven't been keeping up to date as much as we should, but we have been busy looking to the future & where to take the business next.

We have been busy sourcing materials from all over, and are now ready to take our first steps into the world of retailing our photographs & our photography services.

We will be appearing weekly at Trapiche Country Market from the beginning of September, and watch out for more details about this exciting development.

After a long search, we are now able to produce prints up to & including A1 (yes huge!), and offer a mounting & display service using foamboard and other medium. Send us an email to find out more.

Finally, we have signed up to be at the SWPP Exhibition in London in January 2011, when we hope to be able to meet with lots of people & develop more of our ideas. If you want to get in the diary to have a chat about any possible photography related activities, send an email to us with your preferred date(s). We will be in London from 12th to 20th January 2011.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

New pictures - June 2010

These pictures were taken at Torrox about 10 days ago -

Sunday, 13 December 2009

Update on our Motivational Posters

Earlier in the year we told you about our new project, producing motivational posters. Well we have been busy developing new posters and adding them to the range, so we thought that you might like to see how far we have got.

Remember, that they can be produced as posters, in a variety of sizes, as postcards, as 'greetings' cards, business cards, and vitually any type of clothing or merchandise you can think of.

If you want to find out more just email us on

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Outdoor photoshoot for local church

On Friday last we went to a BBQ hosted by the local Anglican church community here in Spain, and did a photoshoot of the day for them.

Have a look at the slideshow below to share in their enjoyment of the day.

If you would like us to photograph your event or special occasion, then contact us by email on -

Monday, 2 November 2009

New FLICKR Group hosting

We are pleased to announce that we are now hosting a Group on FLICKR dedicated to Church Marketing. You can find it at -

It is a group for all those people who have an interest in the marketing of churches & church activities.

The need for churches to market themselves, has probably never been greater that at the present time, and this Group will draw together church publicity officers, charities & commercial organisations alike.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Picture of the day?

Today has been very hot here in southern Spain, and I have been out taking some shots of our vine before it sheds all its leaves. The angle of the sun on the leaves this afternoon has been absolutely brilliant. Hope that you like this picture.